
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Pakhi for Stomach Diseases

Ubqari Magazine - September 2019

Pakhi for Stomach Diseases

My proven 40 prescription!  Very terrific

Very affective tip for pimple on face

For persons of my family have recovered in sugar disease

For person get rid of sugar disease

Incurable patient became healthy

For tension and body lythagicness

My proven prescription for itching

Pakhi for Stomach Diseases:

Respected Hazrat G, Assalamo Alikum!  I have a very affective prescription for stomach diseases. Which I want to present here for Ubqari readers. This recipe is always available in our home make yours too and save the family from stomach diseases.

Method: Zanjeel  2 tola , badyan 2 tola , zera safaid 2 tola, sahaga 4 mashaaa, mirch seyah 5 tola, pepal 2 tola, pedina khushk 2 tola, anar dana 4 tola, halela zard 2 tola,  namakhar 2 tola, namak lahori 2 tola, namak seyah 2 tola, kchla 2 tola,  grinned them all well then stain it. Take a pinch of it after each meal with water. You will always be save from all stomach diseases. Food will be well digest well. Obesity will not happen. Good for constipation, Payals, indigestion. Is very simple all these ingredients are available in a good grocery store.


My proven 40 prescription!  Very terrific:

Respected Hazrat G , Assalamo Alikum! May Allah bless u with all his blessing. My connection to you is through Ubqari magazines and memory card. Last year I attended your spiritual lecture on Thursday in Tasbih Khana.  Your visit was also fortunate for me and shakes hand with you. I am going to write here some of my personal experiments. Please do publish them in Ubqari magazine so that the people can take full advantage of it.

For seasonal Fever:

Take in equal quantity benafsha ,kasni , magar kadu , phoo gulab . Grinned them well , and give to the patient its very affective for the fever.

 For Cryonic fever:

 Cryonic fever will lost with this method , tukham khabuza , sonf , tukham Kasni , tukham kadu,  tukham kheyar 2 tola , benafsha khatmi , kasni jar, malathi, ghafas, ghukhru , gozuban 1 tola, munaqa 5 tola  , misri 3 pao.  

Method: dipole this ingredients in a pure drinking water at night. In the morning took this water in a bottle and use it as syrup.   Without water it can also be used.

For all type of stone in a bladder and kidney:

  1. 1.      Ingridients: Sharbat – e- bazoori  useon masha in a glass of water after each meal.
  2. 2.      1 tola, garma, sarda, methre, khera tar, danga, eat according to your desire.
  3. 3.      grinned the piles of melon , take 1 masha melon seeds, and grinned it one with one masha water. 
  4. 4.      for kidney pain: Take sharbat- -e- bazoori 2tola in a glass of water and chew 1 masha sonf with simple water.
  5. 5.      For psoriasis : Take musterd oil and 1 tenth of its oil take make a paste if it and apply on affected path.
  6. 6.      for body itching : Take panner doda 5 , use with water i=once in a day, and apply marham sakon Ubqari on affected path on your body.
  7. 7.      Apply mustered oil on your body after bath. And dry you clothes under sun light. For three days of wide using red chili in replacement of that black papar can be used in replacement of that.
  8. 8.      for hepatitis A,B And C: Use Sharb- -e –bazoori 2 tola 3 times in a day.
  9. 9.      For seasonal temperature: Chew four leaves of neyaz bow three times in day. 
  10. 10.  For mouth blisters: Use maswaq instead of tooth paste, use the outer layer of kekar and tablet flagal 400 mg in the morning and evening.
  11. 11.  for constipation: Take maraba tuma tola 2 times ,avoid taken tea , cigarette and soft drinks. Use yogurt in the morning.
  12. 12.  For all type of tension and physical Exaction: Perform 5 times payers regularly , read Quran Pak and Darood Pak daily.
  13. 13.  For strong heart: Use muraba dahi 1 tola
  14. 14.  For sewer Constipation : Eat melon for 2 times in a day :
  15. 15.  For urine closure: Chew some seeds of sonf and take a glass of Sharb – e- bazoori with it.

All this tips are very affective.

The quickest tip for facial acnes: Respected Hazrat G , Assalamo Alikum!! I have no words to explain you.  May Allah bless you with long times.

Method: Chasko , Kachoor grinned these 2 ingrediants well.  And mix this 2 ingrediants in equal quantity. Use 1 tea spoon of it early in the morning. Avoid spicy items . use it for one month. Its very affective for facial acne.

For Facial Acne the Proven Tip of my Sister:

Kalvanji 100 gram, Podina Koshak 100 gram mix all these ingredients and grinned them well. Use half spoon 3-4 times before any male with water. Its  very affective in facial technique. This tip is taken from the Ubqari  “ Kalvanji k Karishmat “ .

Highly proven prescription in piles:

Respected Hazrat G, Assalmo Alikum! I use a tip told by you for pails as I was the patient of piles for many years and number of medicine but got no benefit. Once I read in Ubqari a Tip of Piles and astonishingly I got rid of this disease within a week. And I told this prescription to her. And all those who use this got rid of piles.

Method: choti alaichi 50gram, methre 50g . Mix them and use half tea spoon with simple water 2-3 times in a day.

For Piles:

Respected Hazrat G, Assalmo Alikum!  In lodhera a pious man use this capsule for this disease. And many people’s are benefited from them.  If you have blisters then eat 16 capsule 2 daily. If there is a blood in pails then eat 6-8 capsoles.

Method: masbar brown color 1 pao, 1 small packet glucose D, then mix these 2 and fill in the capsule. After each meal with warm milk. inshAllah get rid of piles.

4 persons of family have recovered in sugar disease:

Very affective in sugar method: Culvanji, kor toma, thukam  sars, gong kikar, take all these in equal quantity and grinned them and fill it in capsule take one capsule in morning and evening after meal. My 4 family people take this and recover it.



Highly proven in itching:

Respected Hazrat G , Assalmo Alikum! I was the patient of itching. I applied the mixture of sulfur and mustered oil and got rid of itching.

The cure patient recover from a simple procedure:

Respected Hazrat G, Assalmo Alikum!  May Allah bless you. With your prayers my life has a entirely change. I have a pain in my knee for 3 months. I eat many medicines. I take many medicines. When I applied “ Dam Wala Tail “ and I recovered from the pain.  Take mustered oil and read “ surah KAfroon “ 1000 times on it . You may read in a single or a few days, then apply these oil in joints pain is very affective.

Some of my tested medical formulas! Unique and affective :

Respected Hazrat G , Assalmo Alikum!  The services you are providing for human beings are admirable. may Allah bless you with more progress. I have presented some formulas for Ubqari readers.

100 % cure of Stomach diseases! 3 highly proven tips:

 90 % patient in our society is patient of these diseases.

 Method 1 : Tabah Shera asli 6 mashe, Alaichi Khurd 6 mashe , marvareed khalis 3 mashe, kohar yashmi 6 mashe, khuza misri 5 grains, and sonf 5 % of it. Mix all these and take 2 mashaa in the morning and evening.

Method 2 : “ khoon Shifa “ of Ubqari Dawakhana . Use with the given advised on it

Method 3:  khamira 6 masha, kushta marjan jawarha 2 chawal, use it at the time of asar prayer.  It such prescription just by using 2 weeks will recover all stomach diseases.

Only a single doze is affective for Suzak highly proven:

 Method : rovan sandal 6 masha , alaichi khurd 6 masha , logan koria 6 masha, thukam kutab 6 masha, mix all these well and grinned them . take one pao meat of goat took it in desi ghee with all the spicy. Give this meal to the patient after half an hour this meal give the above medicine . give the whole quantity of medicine at once.  Its very affective in suzak.

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